The Franchising Association of India is a Membership Organisation of Franchisors, Franchisees, Vendors, Consultants, Financial Institutions and Students and others.
India’s Franchise Association services are dedicated to provide a one-stop shopping experience for franchising business and with membership of the prestigious World Franchise Council we have ongoing access to knowledge of the World accepted best practice related to Franchising in different areas of business activity as also networking contacts with the WFC member Franchising Associations in different parts of the world for generating new business opportunities for Indian entrepreneurs.
In recognition of the increasing role of franchising in the market place and the very beneficial positive contributions of franchising to the Indian economy, the franchisor and franchisee members of the FAI believe that franchising must reflect the highest principles and standards of fair business practices.
FAI Mission
Tap the vast entrepreneurial energy available in the country by promoting the concept and practice of franchising in India.
FAI Objectives
- Exchange and safeguard the business environment for franchising, both with regard to franchisors and franchisees
- Act as the resource centre for current and prospective franchisors, franchisees, the media and the Government.
- Disseminate knowledge to promote the concept of 'franchising' and propagate it as a healthy business practice.
- Establish a forum for discussion and deliberation on Franchising related matters and problems and help promote the interest of members by organising seminars, conferences and meetings.
FAI Activities
- To work towards achievement of the above mission and objectives our activities will include:
- Creation of appropriate forums for discussion of issues and problems related to Franchising.
- International linkages to promote - bringing in of foreign franchisors and best practice for doing business in India through Marketing India at International Expos and otherwise.
- Make representations to the Government with regard to legislative and other measures affecting the promotion of concept and practice of Franchising.
- Encouraging Bank and Venture Capital funding for franchisees.
- Publication of Franchising Successes
Registered Office
3rd Floor, Champion Building,15 – Parsi Panchayat Road,
Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069
+91 22 6772 7505 / 518 / 519 / 520
South India
307, Swiss Complex,33 Race Course Road,
Bangalore. 560001
Western India
A-Wing, Ground Floor, Modern Centre,Sane Guruji Marg,
Mahalaxmi (East), Mumbai- 400 011
Northern India
A- 13, Kailash Colony,New Delhi – 110 048
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